
“I had burning, numbness and tingling in my hands and feet. My medical doctor prescribed Gabapentin and Cymbalta and I got NO relief! I went to see Dr. Smith and he got better results than any other specialist I went to. I’m delighted with the results.” – Rachael W.

“Been told for years there is nothing that can be done for neuropathy. Dr. Smith has proved them all wrong. In 3 months time I went from hardly sleeping because of flare ups to sleeping like a baby. If you have neuropathy and been told there is nothing to be done, call Dr. Kevin Smith!” – Robert H.

“Not only was Dr. Kevin Smith technically, and extremely knowledgeable about his discipline, but his sensitive bedside manner made me feel very comfortable and assured he would do everything possible to address my neurological concerns.  Dr. Smith went above and beyond insight with his diagnosis of my physical and neural condition at that time of examination.  He also provided assessment regimens I had never experienced before when being assessed by other neurophysicists in reputable institutions.  Within moments of his diagnosis of me, I realized that I was being examined by an individual who demonstrated a physical, holistic, and homeopathic prognosis of what direction I needed to pursue to get back to a functional capacity.  There need to be more clinicians like Dr. Smith who see more than just a person/client but also a person he sincerely wants to help.”  –  Jonathan G.

“I could barely walk when I started treatment at Chronic Conditions Center. He sat with me explained what he was going to do to help me with my condition. After 3 visits, I felt 80% better. I am 6 treatments in and I am feeling 100% better with no pain. I highly recommend the Chronic Conditions Center for treatment.” – Kelly S.

“I’ve been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for over 8 years. I have numbness, tingling and burning pain in my feet. Also, my balance has been getting worse. My doctors gave me medicine (Neurontin and Lyrica). They weren’t helping and had terrible side effects. Finally I went to see Dr. Smith and got relief. His methods work and I’m very happy I went.” – Harold L.

“After one month of office and home treatments, I can now feel texture and temperature in my feet. Edema in ankles and legs has virtually disappeared and I’ve even enjoyed a 6% weight reduction of 17 pounds. Needless to say, I’m very pleased with the progress I’ve experienced with Dr. Smith and recommend his services to anyone suffering with neuropathy.”
– Frank U.

“When it came to Chiropractic, I was skeptical at best… WOW! Dr. Kevin Smith completely changed my perception of both what Chiropractic is and how it works. Most importantly, he answered my question, “Why do I need this?” He took me through a comprehensive, but easy-to-digest consultation process. He was professional, kind, and extremely knowledgeable. Best part? I could tell he really cares! I would recommend Dr. Smith to anyone looking for exceptional Chiropractic care in the Pittsburgh area!” – Ian R.

“Dr. Smith is the only Doctor who really took the time to listen to my symptoms and fix my problems at the source. I had lost hope that I would ever be without pain again! Thank you Dr. Smith for giving me my life back!” Marcy H.

“I cannot emphasize enough how wonderful my experience has been with Dr. Smith. I experienced a significant improvement in a very short time with him.” – Ashley W.

“I had neck pain and headaches for years. Tylenol and even some prescription strength drugs didn’t work. They pain kept coming back. I went to Dr. Smith and was blown away by the results. Dr. Smith is caring and dedicated and will get you out of pain!” – Michelle S.

“I could hardly function. I was suffering from many symptoms such as fatigue- falling asleep at work and while driving, body aches and pains, mood swings, weight gain, and serious brain fog. My endocrinologist’s response when I kept complaining of my symptoms was “well yeah that’s what hypothyroidism does.” So he would up my dosage of levothyroxine and let me continue to get worse and worse. Luckily, my mom found Dr. Smith and within just the first month of his 6 month program, I had lost 17lbs and was starting to feel like a normal person again. Now, at the end of my program, I am down 30lbs and feeling the best I’ve felt in a very long time.” – Krisi L.

“I’ve been going to Dr. Smiths for a few weeks now after I had a bad fall. I cannot even explain how much better I feel. I thought this would take much longer to heal but the doctor was able to tame my inflammation. I feel so much better. Thank you doc!” – Michelle S.

“I used to have such bad lower back and neck pain I could barely walk to my car at the end of my work day. Now I have significantly less pain and tons of energy. I can go home and play with my kids and run errands in the evening. I’m happier and more productive at work.” – Stephanie G.

“Finally a doctor that will actually listen to his patient, coordinate an appropriate plan of action as determined by your own medical needs and spend as much time with you at each appointment. I recommend Dr. Kevin Smith wholeheartedly and think the investment in my health have let to the healthiest version of me. If I could give him more than 5 stars, I would!” – Kathy O.

“Dr. Smith has given me my life back! No more pain!!” – J.R. C

“I was still overweight, sluggish, had aches and pains and often got terrible migraines. I had tried diets and exercising in the past, but nothing ever made me feel better and I found that I often gave up after only a few weeks. No matter what I tried, I was never getting to the root cause of my problems. But, after of few weeks of consulting with Dr. Smith, who was able to pin-point my issues better than the specialists I had seen in the past, he worked to develop a plan that was right for my body. I was amazed at the transformations I was seeing within myself and wow, did I feel great. Suddenly, I had more energy, was sleeping better, the aches and pains that I thought I’d suffer with the rest of my life were suddenly gone, and most importantly I had been migraine free since starting his program. I’m now four full months into treatment, and I have never felt better. I’m continuing to lose weight (down 30 pounds so far) and managing my thyroid condition through a diet that is right for me. I couldn’t be happier with treatment and guidance that Dr. Smith has provided me. Thank you Dr. Smith.” – Renee M.

Knee Pain

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To schedule a consultation, call us at 412-595-7332