Facts About Headaches

A Very Common Problem Headaches are a very common health problem affecting 25 million Americans every year. There are over 300 different types of headaches that have been categorized by neurologists and other specialists. We spend billions of dollars each year for relief. Not only is a significant percentage of the population affected on an […]

Myths About Chiropractic

1. Chiropractic Doesn’t Work Chiropractic is like all health disciplines. It works for some problems and doesn’t work for other problems. For musculoskeletal problems (like back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, herniated discs, auto accident injuries, work comp injuries, and sports injuries) chiropractic works exceptionally well. In fact, in many […]

Frozen Shoulder

Introduction The shoulder is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body. It is a ball and socket joint which consists of three bones (humerus, scapula and clavicle). There are some important bony landmarks in the shoulder include the acromion (a bony projection from the scapula), the clavicle (the collar bone) and […]

Patch Or Corrective Care?

Introduction Millions of Americans suffer with musculoskeletal problems. These issues can present as back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines, sciatica, muscle spasms and other issues. Most doctors are focused on symptom relief. They aren’t focused on finding and treating the root causes of what is driving these problems. The most common therapy used by doctors […]

Why Don’t Medical Doctors Refer to Chiropractors?

Introduction Most people who suffer from acute or chronic back pain will go to a medical doctor for help. Yet despite their best efforts, medical doctors fail to help most back pain, sufferers. M.D.s utilize medications as their primary means to help people. Research has shown drugs to be the most effective for acute, self-limiting […]

Finding Joy Again

Is your condition keeping you from enjoying the precious people and moments in your life? Picking up your child or grandchild for a big bear hug. Strolling through the park with your loved one on a gorgeous fall day. Sitting for an hour or two to watch your child play sports. All activities can be […]