Conditions - Nerve

About Nerve Problems

Nerve problems can rob the joy and happiness out of your life. Nothing is worse than mentally wanting to something, but physically, your body just won’t cooperate (due to some kind of neurological problem). Things like maintaining your balance can limit mobility or put you risk of a fall. Other things like preserving your independence can be troublesome. You may want to get down on the ground to play with the grandkids. But it is just too tough to do so. Or you can no longer enjoy a game of bowling or golf because of weakness, numbness or your legs just won’t allow this anymore.

nerve problems

Causes & Symptoms of Nerve Damage

There are many things that can cause nerve damage. Some of these include:

  • Trauma
  • Infections
  • Medications
  • Genetics
  • Diabetes

The symptoms of nerve damage include:

  • Pain (burning or electrical)
  • Balance problems
  • Numbness & Tingling
  • Weakness & Cramping
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Feet or hands that feel too hot or too cold

Peripheral Nervous System

Click on The Following Symptoms To Learn More:

couple on beach

If you have been suffering with a nerve problem, call us today.