Hope and Help for Knee Pain

Knee pain affects millions of people every year. The most common path is drugs or surgery. But now there are drug-free, non-surgical solutions that brings help and hope.

Facts About Headaches

A Very Common Problem Headaches are a very common health problem affecting 25 million Americans every year. There are over 300 different types of headaches that have been categorized by neurologists and other specialists. We spend billions of dollars each year for relief. Not only is a significant percentage of the population affected on an […]

Don’t Build Fitness Over Dysfunction

Each day people exercise, and in doing so, they unknowingly put themselves at risk of immediate or future injuries. The reason is they are building fitness over dysfunction. Dysfunction means their body isn’t working correctly. The problems could be in the joints, the muscles, or abnormal posture (such as forward head posture or a rotated […]

Part of Your Healthcare Team

We all need a team of healthcare providers to take care of the various issues we face on a regular basis. For example, we all need a primary care doctor. Be it a family practice doctor, internal medicine (for adults only), or pediatrics. We rely on a dentist to take care of our teeth, and […]