The Case of A Woman With Frozen Shoulder

Last week I got a new patient who came to me for frozen shoulder. She was a 38-year-old who worked as a marketing manager for a corporation in Pittsburgh. Her job was fairly sedentary and involved sitting in front of a computer most of her workday. The problem involved her right shoulder. What started off […]

Can Chiropractic Help With Headaches & Migraines?

Introduction Chiropractic care is a non-invasive form of healthcare that focuses on the treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, primarily in the spine. Many people seek chiropractic care for relief from headaches and migraines, which are common conditions that can be debilitating and affect their quality of life. An Effective Treatment Option Chiropractic care can […]

Physical Problems Require Physical Solutions

Introduction Every year, tens of millions of Americans routinely suffer from musculoskeletal aches and pains. These problems range from chronic low back pain to tension across the shoulders, a stiff neck, headaches that creep up the back of the neck and cause tremendous pain throughout the head, extremity problems, and more. These physical problems are […]

Has This Ever Happened to You?

Introduction One morning, while I was at the office catching up on some notes, a nice elderly gentleman walked into my office. He told me he was in tremendous pain and needed help. I invited him into the back and sat down with him so he could tell me his story. The Problem He told […]

Are You Being Left Behind?

Introduction Have you ever felt the pain of being left behind by your family? It’s a fairly common occurrence. Perhaps you have chronic knee pain and you can’t tolerate a lot of walking. That big trip to Disney World then comes impossible (due to the distances you have to walk every day). Maybe you can’t […]

The Best Choice For Back Pain

Introduction The spine is a very complicated structure. It is composed of twenty-four movable bones (the vertebrae), five layers of muscle, nine common ligaments, the central and peripheral nervous systems, and various connective tissue. The Vertebrae The vertebrae offer protection to the spinal cord. They are movable and can twist and bend in a variety […]

Automobile Accident Injuries

Introduction If you were involved in a car accident, even a minor one, you probably sustained a serious injury to your spine. Many people who had been in an accident did not think they were injured because they didn’t experience immediate symptoms. Injuries Show Up Later Weeks to years later, the accident victim will start […]

What Has Your Pain Cost You?

Introduction What has your pain cost you already? There are a few ways of looking at this. One way is to look at how much money you have already spent. People can spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to fix a chronic problem. It all adds up (doctor’s visits, prescription drugs, trips to the […]

This Is Why I Love What I Do

I wanted to share a really cool experience with you. This is actually pretty typical in my office. I know many people have never been to a chiropractor before. They don’t know what goes on inside a chiropractic office. I Got A Call The Other Day The other day I got a call from an […]

Antibiotics For Back Pain?

Introduction In a recent article published in the European Spine Journal (April 2013, 22:697-707), a group of Danish researchers experimented with treatment for low back pain by giving their patients antibiotics. The Only Cause of the Pain Was Herniated Disc The research was a randomized controlled, double-blind study with a sample size of 162 patients […]